A Conversation with Allah

It is axiomatic that to be a Muslim, you must: believe in Allah by taking him as your one and only lord, accept Muhammad as Allah’s beloved messenger, and take the Quran as a literal work of Allah and a perfect prescription for living. As hard as I tried, I had a terrible time being […]

What Qualifies Islam as a Religion?

What qualifies Islam as a religion? What are the criteria for deciding if an ideology is a religion? An illiterate Arab, some 1500 years ago, claimed Allah commissioned him as his emissary. What’s the proof for his claim? The Quran, the book that took him 20 years to put together and bill as the word-for-word […]

CHAMPIONS OF FREEDOM: Reza Pahlavi and Donald Trump

Why should we support Reza Pahlavi? Because the Iranian people support him. He has the full support of Iranians inside Iran, and we must unconditionally respect their will. It would be a colossal mistake if we didn’t stand with him. Despite other opposition groups resorting to violence, Prince Pahlavi repeatedly has stated that “non-violent change is the […]

A Call to Iranian Expatriates

In lieu of current Iranian protests in Iran, let us make a note of it: If we remain divided, there will not be a chance against the robust Islamic regime with the vast and destructive power apparatus that has no problem using it against their own population as they did in the 2009 Green Movement. Unlike anything encountered […]

Puppets and Puppeteers

The human mind is a battleground of contending forces where the two most potent are reason and emotion: where reason assesses the life and produces measures that are adaptive to the best of its ability, while emotion, by and large, operates on feelings. Ordinarily, an uneasy truce prevails between the two generally incompatible powers. Islam […]

Prince Reza Pahlavi: Iran’s New Cyrus

Some 2,500 years ago, a farsighted and benevolent king, Cyrus the Great, issued a historic proclamation to the varied peoples of his vast empire. He granted every people their rights to dignity, independence, beliefs, and way of life. This trailblazing king considered the first author of the Charter of Human Rights, showed the justice and […]

Justifying “Islamophobia”

All phobias are, by definition, irrational fears. I’m not an Islamophobe because my “fear” of Islam is entirely rational. Avoiding a poisonous snake is a rational fear. Not a phobia. The emotion of fear, when utilized rationally, is of immense value. The critical point is that the person, as well as the society, must base […]

Politicians Legitimize Islam

Never in the history of America has a group of power-hungry wolves, known as the Democrat Party, done so much damage to America. Establishment Republicans are not far behind! Forms of Government There are several different forms of government in the present world. One such form is Democracy. Democracy is supposed to be a form […]

Urgent Appeal: Vote Against the Impeachment of General Paxton

Honorable Texas State Senators, I am writing to express my deep concerns regarding the ongoing impeachment proceedings against General Ken Paxton, the Texas Attorney General. As a concerned citizen who values fairness, due process, and the principles of justice, I implore you to stand against this ill-conceived and unwarranted impeachment effort, which I believe to […]

Today Everyone is Iranian

Regrettably, despite November 2019 and 2022, the vast international support for the Iranian revolution ultimately resulted in the usual business with the Islamic regime. As more Iranians and activists called for satellite internet, Tech entrepreneur Elon Musk announced that the Starlink satellite internet company would seek an exemption to the US sanction to provide service to the Iranian […]