Hon. Charlie Weimers MEP

Hon. Charlie Weimers MEP Member of the Sweden Democrats, part of European Conservatives and Reformists. Hammarö, Sweden Honorable Charlie Weimers, My unbound thanks to the Honorable Charlie Weimers, the distinguished MEP of the Swedish government, and the people of Sweden for your exemplary stance and unceasing efforts in support of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran. I only wish […]

Military action against Iran is counterproductive

There are those who are against sanctions for a variety of reasons. Some say that sanctions cannot be effectively enforced; others claim that sanctions have never worked in the past and won’t work in the future. These nay-sayers never come up with any practical and viable alternative. Some advocate using massive aerial attacks on Iran’s […]

Protesters in Iran Favor Reza Pahlavi

Close to forty-five years after the establishment of the Islamic Republic, the people cry for Reza Pahlavi. That is a fact. The rest is history. This is not fiction. This is reality, as we all have witnessed in recent protests in Iran, where people have been shouting for him to come back and save them from the […]

CHAMPIONS OF FREEDOM: Reza Pahlavi and Donald Trump

Why should we support Reza Pahlavi? Because the Iranian people support him. He has the full support of Iranians inside Iran, and we must unconditionally respect their will. It would be a colossal mistake if we didn’t stand with him. Despite other opposition groups resorting to violence, Prince Pahlavi repeatedly has stated that “non-violent change is the […]

A Call to Iranian Expatriates

In lieu of current Iranian protests in Iran, let us make a note of it: If we remain divided, there will not be a chance against the robust Islamic regime with the vast and destructive power apparatus that has no problem using it against their own population as they did in the 2009 Green Movement. Unlike anything encountered […]

Politicians Legitimize Islam

Never in the history of America has a group of power-hungry wolves, known as the Democrat Party, done so much damage to America. Establishment Republicans are not far behind! Forms of Government There are several different forms of government in the present world. One such form is Democracy. Democracy is supposed to be a form […]

Today Everyone is Iranian

Regrettably, despite November 2019 and 2022, the vast international support for the Iranian revolution ultimately resulted in the usual business with the Islamic regime. As more Iranians and activists called for satellite internet, Tech entrepreneur Elon Musk announced that the Starlink satellite internet company would seek an exemption to the US sanction to provide service to the Iranian […]

Foroutan: Iran’s Interim Unifier

Introduction According to Wikipedia: “A provisional government, also called an interim government, an emergency government, or a transitional government, is an emergency governmental authority set up to manage a political transition generally in the cases of a newly formed state or following the collapse of the previous governing administration.”

U.S to List Iran’s Elite Guard A Terrorist Organization: Long Overdue

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is the Islamic Republic’s elite military force which was created by the late supreme leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in the wake of the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Its primary responsibility was to defend the regime from internal and external threats. However, its mission went beyond its original objective.

No Negotiation with Iran’s Mullahs

On July 14, 2015, during the Obama presidency, Iran and six world powers known as the P5+1 (China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) signed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), known as ‘Iran Nuclear Deal’ with the intention to marginalize Iran’s nuclear program and monitor it in exchange for relief from nuclear sanctions.