Demise of the Democrat Party

“When seeking office, the aspirant must pretend to be what he is not. After seizing power, he should impose his agenda quickly and ruthlessly before his subjects realize what he is doing and have time to react.” Niccolò Machiavelli

U.S. Ignores Islam’s Threat

Forget the left, they are already in cahoots with the Islamists and they will assuredly be among the very first victims of Islam as soon as it assumes power. They both share an ideological milieu with an authoritarian mindset. Islam, with the help of the leftist media and the Democrat Party have been using the US Constitution against the American people in order to advance their Islamic agenda. 

U.S. Iran Brinksmanship

Like everyone else, I wonder what is going on with Iran. Whatever it is, it just does not bode well for the US, my adopted country. My country of birth, Iran, used to be my proud homeland of noble people, is now a cabal of turbaned religious bigots who took it over some four decades ago and overnight transformed a country that was once the envy of the entire Middle East into a pariah of the world.

World Arsonist: The Islamic Republic of Iran

Iranians are the proud spiritual descendants of King Cyrus the Great, the author of the first Charter of Human Rights. Some of Cyrus’ children live in the patch of land called Iran. The overwhelming majority—free humans with human beliefs—live in every country, city, and village of the earth.
These world-wide people, one and all, irrespective of nationality, color, or creed are Iranians because they all adhere to the Cyrus Charter; they practice and defend its lofty tenets; and, transfer this precious humanity’s treasure to the next generation.

Saudi Oil Field Crisis

The conflict in the Middle East, among Shiites and Sunnis goes back to the time of prophet Muhammad himself.

Sahar: The ‘Blue Girl’ of Iran, struck down

Like Neda, a young woman whose chest was ripped up by the bullet of a murdering Islamist as she peacefully walked with a throng of peaceful demonstrators, Sahar’s tragedy gives us a glimpse of the true face of Islamofascism and its brutality inside Iran.  The Sahars and Nedas of Iran shall remain as an eternal testament to the depravity of Islamofascism and the horrors it has visited upon innocent people.  

America at the Tipping Point

Eighteen years has come and gone since the horrific attacks of 9/11. Sadly, we still have not learned the lessons of 9/11.“Loophole used by 9/11 hijackers still open with 6 million visa overstays in U.S.” And Sharia law continues to stealthily insert itself into every aspect of American life and culture.

My Fortieth Anniversary

December 2018 was my 40th anniversary since I made it to this blessed land, America. Like many of my fellow Persians, I never even imagined to extend my stay in the US beyond the 4 years of the university. Let me remind you that Iranians are not beggars.

From Cradle To Jihadi

It goes without saying that every child that arrives into this world is a helpless infant at the mercy of others, not only to be fed, cleaned and protected, but also to be informed about the bewildering life we face. The caretakers, parents and immediate family can teach the newborn only what they know and believe themselves which was handed down to them by the adults that raised them.

Is America Next?

Western Europe is at its last breath and they know it. It was collective and deliberate cultural suicide by the EU leaders and there is no going back. Once you are dead, you are dead. Now, the question is how far is America behind Europe in its own demise!!