The recent massive migration and redistribution of Muslims into every corner of America and rising numbers due to their high birth rate has become troublesome. In addition, Muslims’ revert to their intolerant behavior that has made many Americans against this small minority. For instance, demanding legal status for Sharia (Islamic laws), the type of draconian laws that for the most part resemble those of man’s barbaric past has made some Americans concerned. But being concerned and doing something about it is millions of miles apart. Many Americans who understand the issue are frustrated and feel helpless.

The idea that Muslims are only a very small minority and it is simply not possible that this small group could destroy America from within, is a myth that the leftist media crafted and forced down the throats of gullible Americans. The American people have been repeatedly lectured by the know it all, elected officials and leftist media, claim that only a very small minority of Muslims are troublemakers who are given the peaceful masses of Muslims a bad name. According to them, those of us who sound the alarm are a bunch of bigots, racists and Islamophobes. Well then, wouldn’t it be more prudent to let the facts settle the matter, rather than blindly accepting either position?

Of course, it would, except for one huge problem. In the face of threats, people tend to go to the mind’s medicine cabinet and take a few denial pills, in the same way they turn to their aspirin bottle when a headache strikes.  Well, just ask any European who fled his country for a safer place like the US if the Islam problem is real and deadly. I have news for you: Neither the pronouncements of officials, nor any tranquilizer can make Islam go away. Islam is here and it shows every sign of imposing itself on us as it has in Europe.

Recall that it took only 19 of these killers to launch the aerial mass murder of 9/11 that killed almost 3,000 people, shattered our open trusting way of life, and cost us trillions of dollars. Unfortunately, we have not learned anything from the 9/11 attacks but instead, act as if we are suffering from Stockholm syndrome.

As time passed, we learned these new Muslim arrivals not only assimilate, but they also use our laws against us in order to advance Islam in America. These newcomers have taken advantage of the provisions of the most benign system known to humanity, democracy, to implode it from within. To Muslims, no other religion is deemed worthy of recognition, much less accommodation. There is not a single church or synagogue or a Buddhist temple in all of Saudi Arabia. They are banned.

Western armchair theorizers and wishful thinkers need to take time and study the Islamic system in order to avoid making empty demands on Muslim leaders that will never be met because they are completely unrealistic and against their religion.

Islam presently has its stranglehold over a billion human beings, posing as an existential threat to all non-Muslims. When this billion and a half adhere to the pathological belief of Islam and use it as their marching orders in life, the rest of humanity ignores this threat at their peril.

OK, let me tell you the truth. The reality portrays a vastly different picture. America is far from a stronghold given its vast wide-open borders. It is a nation of laws where all forms of freedom are enshrined in the Constitution. It is where Americans live by a humane ethos diametrically opposed from those of Islamist savagery. Sadly, these differences confer great advantage to Islamists and place America in imminent danger.

Let me repeat my statement again: the breach of “Fortress America” from the air on 9/11 is only the first installment of much more forthcoming dreadful assaults, unless we abandon our complacency, stop relying on the invincibility of law-enforcement, our phony elected official political talks, fake news media and are willing to make the sacrifice needed to protect our way of life, maybe only then can we survive.

We the People must revaluate and amend all that has been fed to us for years by crafty politicians and the leftist mainstream media. America is not safe and it is only going to get worse. Islam’s invasion is currently in progress just under your nose via stealth jihad and subversion. The sad part of it is that most Americans don’t even realize it.

© Copyright by Amil Imani, 2019. All rights reserved.

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