Pamela and Robert: Two Among Millions

In times of great danger, truth is being sacrificed by the politically correct, the parochial self-serving in the liberally dominated media, and the ruling class.  Against this backdrop, two courageous patriots, tirelessly and ceaselessly speaking the truth and in the defense of liberty while being attacked viciously by the liberal media and Muslims.  

Cultural Muslims Hold the Key to Peace

They say there are close to 1.5 billion Muslims in the world. The overwhelming majority of which are cultural Muslims who are generally called moderate Muslims. Muslims who are born into Islam, where a great many never go through the process of deciding for themselves if they want to be Muslims. It is not a religion that they choose, it is a belief they inherit. For whatever reason, this great majority of cultural Muslims are Muslims of a sort without fully toeing the line of Islam. The real Muslims are the jihadists, a small minority who lives and dies by the dictates of the Quran and the Sunna, the life examples of Muhammad.

The Mullahs and the Nukes

For four decades, the U.S. State Department has called the Islamic Republic of Iran the world’s “most active state sponsor of terrorism.” For forty years, U.S. officials claimed the Islamic Republic of Iran has continued funding, providing weapons, training terrorists, and giving sanctuary to a number of terrorist groups. And for years, the U.S. administration has been unable to outdo the Islamic Republic’s propaganda machine and clearly has been unable or perhaps unwilling to help the Iranian people to end the Islamic nightmares in Iran.

Protesters in Iran Favor Reza Pahlavi

Close to 40 years after the establishment of the Islamic Republic, the people cries for the Reza Pahlavi. That is a fact. The rest is history. This is not fiction. This is reality as we all have witnessed in recent protests in Iran that people have been shouting for him to come back and save them from the brutal Islamic regime.

Who Is a Muslim?

Who is a Muslim? One way to decide is when the individual says he is a Muslim, recites the shahada, and lives more or less according to Islamic belief.

The Multiculturalism Umbrella: Islam’s Manufactured Wool

Ever since the massive arrival of Muslims to the Western hemisphere, our Western culture and world have been forever altered, thanks to the ceaseless attempts of the left to force a failing Utopian Multiculturalism paradise down the throats of its unsuspecting citizens.  Multiculturalism in Europe is dead in the water, as every recent election has shown.  Even the politicians are admitting it now.  Why are they still insisting that we must coexist and keep importing more Muslims who will never assimilate?

Islam vs. the West: Surrender is not an option

Who are we? We are individuals dedicated to expose Islamic tyranny for what it is. There are not many of us. I am going to name just a few who have been on the front line to stop the incursion of the Islamic ideology in the West: Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, Dr. Ali Sina, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Ibn Warraq, Brigitte Gabriel, and Geert Wilders come to mind, along with many others who have sacrificed the comforts of life just to sound the alarm, only to be mercilessly attacked by elements of the global left.