Let me be clear: multiculturalism spells the demise of our Western culture. Is that what we want?
The controversy is ongoing: whether in Europe or in the U.S., the leftist intelligentsia and elitists insist that they have seen the truth, that all people can live peaceably together so long as we are tolerant and have the right laws in place.
The West has been tolerant, but “tolerance in the face of evil is not tolerance; it is a crime.” It wasn’t long ago that we were defending ourselves at the Gates of Vienna from a Muslim invasion. Now we welcome Muslims with open arms and generous welfare policies. Any pushback against these open immigration practices is labeled Islamophobia, racism, bigotry, etc. But what cost do these changes bring?
The battle with these barbarians has proven arduous and long. It is a duty of every enlightened individual to work his hardest to fumigate these leeches from the body of humanity.
Billboards have been popping out that sneakily remind the viewers about their kinship with Muslims: “Islam: The message of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad.” Christians and Jews – the overwhelming majority of the people in the United States – need to relax about Islam. Muslims are family. They are your kindred, through your shared progenitor, Abraham. Having Abraham as an ancestor demands that the “children” be loving siblings. That’s the message the American Muslims try to convey. And that’s the way they aim to keep us in the deadly slumber of complacency and the delusion of multiculturalism.
For one, multiculturalism and multi-religionism are not interchangeable and are not one and the same.
Muslims and their frequently well paid apologists use the multiculturalist umbrella only in non-Islamic lands to shield themselves from the torrent of legitimate criticisms that those who know Islam better shower on this cult of violence peddled as the religion of peace. You don’t need to listen to me, and don’t listen to these conniving dissimulators. Please search it for yourself. See if the euphemism of multiculturalism is ever even mentioned by any Islamic leader, is ever printed in the Islamic press, or ever appears in any form anywhere in Muslim countries.
This multiculturalism gambit in is Islam’s manufactured wool to pull over the eyes of the non-Muslims while Muslims carry on with their unrelenting campaign of eradicating anything and anyone non-Islamic anywhere and everywhere in the world.
Trust me: people like us, through reason and a tremendous act of will, who have freed ourselves from the enslaving yoke of Islam placed around our necks from birth know about all the heinous inside dirt of this plague of humanity. We have experienced Islam firsthand and up close from the inside. We have studied the Koran, the Hadith, and the Sunna. We have seen Islam in action where it holds sway. Yet the more we studied and the more we experienced Islam, the more our efforts to remain in the fold became untenable. We broke away from Islamic slavery and found it to be our solemn duty to expose this fraud of a religion, help other Muslims to free themselves from it, and warn the good-hearted and gullible non-Muslims of the world against falling prey to it.
The Muslim organizations in America, generously financed by the oil-rich Muslim governments and sheikhs, are directed to sell Islam Lite for long enough until this ideology runs deep roots and real Islam is introduced. One can see how the scheme played out in Europe. Much of Europe is already past the stage of Islam Lite and knee-deep into the quagmire of real Islam. That’s exactly where things are headed in America.
There are some non-Muslims, good-hearted, tolerant people, who tend to overlook all the terrible things Islam perpetrates by pointing to some of its good teachings. These folks contend that the world should direct its effort not at combating Islam, but at those individuals and groups who commit heinous acts in the name of Islam.
There are others who disagree with this benign approach. This latter group sees all the so-called aberrations as part and parcel of Islam. They believe that it is Islam that actively promotes and is terribly out of sync with the best interest of the 21st-century world.
I say humanity must remain strong and resolute. People must stop deluding themselves. Islam will never, ever coexist with infidels. We must move on – move away from an exclusionary, a primitive, and a tribal mentality to a vision of all humanity being one, with justice and liberty for all.
While we frivolously waste our precious time talking about it without any drastic action taken, Islam and sharia continues to creep into every aspect of our American culture. But only too few dedicated, freedom-loving people are sounding the alarm. That’s not enough. Why do most of our fellow citizens not get it? Because Americans have been conditioned by the liberal elites to be tolerant and compassionate, to embrace multiculturalism and respect each other’s beliefs, ideals, and values.
That’s wonderful in a utopian world, but the fact is, Islam doesn’t embrace any aspect of Western civilization – much less American culture. We are rapidly and methodically being dismantled as a nation, and our freedom is more fragile than at any time since WWII. While we fight the enemy abroad with combat troops, intelligence, and drone strikes, we’re doing nothing to combat the same exact enemy who resides on our own soil in broad daylight.
In short: I cannot emphasize enough the urgency of this threat. It is indeed urgent that we confront Islamic ideology and its expansionism, close down all of its chapters across America, and declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization. All of us must pressure our government, at all levels, to abandon the practice of “political correctness” and protect the American people and act to safeguard liberty against the truly deadly assault that is representative of Islamic ideology.
It is long past time for our elected officials to wake up