Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar Refuses to Pay Attorney General Ken Paxton His Back Pay

We are talking about fairness and consistency in the treatment of elected officials. The question we should be asking is – Should an elected official face additional barriers in claiming rightful compensation, and is there room for a more compassionate approach in the face of legal intricacies? “After being acquitted on impeachment charges, Texas Attorney General […]

Case against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton at state Senate trial is falling apart

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s state Senate impeachment trial is underway in the heart of Texas, and the prosecution’s case appears to be crumbling before our eyes. While media outlets have long portrayed Paxton as a controversial figure, the trial’s proceedings reveal a different story – one of weak evidence and a politically motivated agenda. […]

Honorable Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick,

The Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick P.O. Box 685085 Austin, Texas 78768 Phone: (512) 270-1852 Email: info@danpatrick.org Honorable Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, I am expressing my deep appreciation for your continued service to our great State of Texas. I am also writing to express my deep concerns regarding the sham impeachment against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. […]

Urgent Appeal: Vote Against the Impeachment of General Paxton

Honorable Texas State Senators, I am writing to express my deep concerns regarding the ongoing impeachment proceedings against General Ken Paxton, the Texas Attorney General. As a concerned citizen who values fairness, due process, and the principles of justice, I implore you to stand against this ill-conceived and unwarranted impeachment effort, which I believe to […]

General Paxton’s Sham Impeachment

The impeachment trial of Ken Paxton has ignited a discussion surrounding the principles of fairness, justice, and Due Process. It is imperative to approach these proceedings with an open mind, allowing for a fair evaluation of the allegations against Paxton, adhering to due process, and ensuring equal justice under the law. Engaging with State Senators […]