Preserving Freedom in the Face of Challenges

“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, we must think and act anew.” ~Abraham Lincoln America, the land of liberty, has long been a beacon of hope and opportunity for people worldwide. […]

In La La Land Dreams, Dance and Choices Echo

movie La La Land

Disappointed, it took me six years to grasp that this was not a movie or musical. This was a masterpiece. If you want to experience a cinematic masterpiece that seamlessly blends music, dance, and emotion, “La La Land” is the film for you. Its visually stunning scenes, innovative storytelling, and deep emotional narrative create an […]

Understanding solar flares…and what they can do to us

The sun, our life-giving star, is a dynamic ball of constantly changing plasma.  Among the most spectacular phenomena it produces are solar flares, intense bursts of light, and energetic radiation that erupt from its surface.  While these events capture our imagination, they also raise concerns. Solar flares originate in the sun’s atmosphere, specifically in regions with intense […]

Suzanne Harp Calls for Bold Action to Secure the Border

Suzanne Harp Texan Fighter

Suzanne Harp is Texas’s 3rd Congressional District candidate for the United States Congress. A prominent figure in the political arena, Suzanne Harp, has emerged as a strong advocate for securing the southern border and protecting America’s interests. In her recent interview with LaDale Buggs, now on YouTube, Harp discusses her campaign and the broad support […]

Islamic Justice: Justice Par Excellence

I was walking my two puppies, entirely focused on the job of making sure I cleaned up after them, like a good neighbor should, when someone bumped into me, knocked me to the ground, and yelled, “Watch where are you going? You blind?” I turned around to apologize when I saw my friend doubled up […]

Suzanne Harp Is the Fighter Texas Needs

Suzanne Harp Texan Fighter

“The price of freedom is acceptance of God’s guidance.” Calvin Coolidge Praise be to the core of goodness that binds us as devoted lovers of Texan and American values. Our nation is bleeding under the dark cloak of a tyrant, and we need to elect our candidates with care. The Republican primaries are right around […]