We need to realize Islam is violent, not only against non-Muslims, but it is also violent against its own numerous sects and offshoots. Even within every sect and offshoot violence in the most savage ways is practiced. Just to name some examples: public lashing, cutting off hands for stealing even a morsel of bread, blinding convicts or hanging them, stoning the so-called adulterers, castrating sexual offenders and hanging of homosexuals. That is Islam in a nutshell.
There are abundant examples of violence committed in the name of Islam by Islamic terrorists. I refer to two previous terror attacks. The Manchester suicide bombing that killed 22 people including children and Islamist massacre of Jewish children in Toulouse, France.
You may ask who mass-murdered Manchester’s Children? A deranged British national Muslim Salman Abedi, son of Libyan parents? That is what the official disclosure stated. Wrong. In the same way that guns don’t kill people, people kill people, creatures like this betrayer are instruments of mayhem and mass murder nurtured and used by his Islamist handlers in complicity with the permissive self-serving left and politicians.
Draining the swamp is a popular rallying slogan these days in reference to the Washington cabal of leeches sucking dry the vitality of this nation to feed their own voracious appetite. Good luck with that Mr. President.
The swamp has been around for a long time and shows the promise of not only surviving but even devouring anyone thinking of disturbing it.
And everyone knows that one cannot kill every single mosquito a swamp produces. It is, therefore, draining it the only sure way of eliminating the mosquitoes — the swamp by its very design produces.
Now, mass murderers like this evil, Salman Abedi, are the natural products of the swamp called Islam. For as long as this Islam swamp is around, more and more killers will send forth to the world. There is no realistic way of keeping track of these individual killers of Allah. Even when they are known to the authorities as clear risks — like the children-killer Salman — the nihilist, anything-goes left and politicians defend the rights of these ticking bombs.
The swamp is the problem. The vested interest exploiters of this muck called Islam are the Saudis, the mullahs of Iran, and a whole host of other beneficiaries that keep supplying it with the murky muck it needs.
This Islam swamp, billed as the one and only true religion of Allah must be exposed for what it is and stamped out. The left and its permissive Islam apologists are complicit in the most crime of mass murder such as Manchester, Toulouse and hundreds of others.
Savagery by Islamists is carried out in the same ritualistic manner as they prostrate multiple times toward Mecca in tribute to Allah and his emissary Muhammad. Yet, from time to time, and much more often these days, the devotees of Muhammad manage atrocities that are beyond the pale. The massacre, in cold blood, of three Jewish children and a rabbi in front of a school in Toulouse, France, represents the ultimate in a most dastardly act, even in the shameful annals of this cult of violence.
What makes any creature, much less a human, brim himself with enough hatred to walk to three young children and shoot them in the head? To complete the heinous act, he also shot the rabbi in the same manner, got back on his motorbike and sped away.
Islam has a great advantage of the first call on the new arrival. It is an omnipresent system with masses of believers, mosques and madrasahs, and a host of other social and economic organizations that overpower the person and steer him into the same fold; it is a sea of people who seem to know what they are all about, what life and death are all about, and what one must also do.
How to drain the Islam swamp? It is not that easy. Massive efforts are required – on the one hand, to drain the breeding swamps of the Islamic disease, while on the other hand helping Muslims adopt an alternative perspective of life that addresses their perplexities and offers a degree of comfort that religions dispense without pitting one segment of humanity against another.