Trump stirred up the hornet’s nest that is Washington D.C. when no other President has dared to even go there. This resulted in a strong reaction from the media, the Democrat Party, Hollywood, the elitists and globalists, even worldwide socialists. Trump was not a politician, but in his line of work he had to deal with them. So, he understood corruption existed, but not to the extent that we have witnessed recently.
Also, unlike previous Republicans, President Trump fights back, and fights hard. Some have suggested that “Trump is the political version of Floyd Mayweather, a counterpuncher who turned opponents’ attacks into his opportunities.”
Nothing is ever certain in politics, with that in mind and assuming President Trump will win the 2020 election, what happens when he leaves the office in 2024? Who is well suited to continue his unmatched legacy of keeping America safe, strong and powerful while dealing with the massive corruption that is eating the very fabric of our society and institutions? How to get the public trust back?
Some serious domestic issues that have been divisive may take years to heal. The political upheaval that Obama generated in his eight-year leadership (or lack of it), has left America domestically more divided than at any time in our history. i.e., the race issue. Obama revived a racial divide that had been gradually disappearing in American society. The damage Obama left behind will take generations to correct.
Looking ahead, the 2024 Republican nomination looks wide open. The most logical successor would be Trump’s vice president, Mike Pence, who has devotedly remained in the background of a passionate man for nearly three years in office. Pence is a careful career politician and a day and night contrast to Trump. We should never rule him out. His dedication and loyalty to the President in addition to being the vice president is no minor achievement.
One historical roadblock stands in Pence’s way: “Vice Presidents have trouble directly succeeding the presidents they served. It’s only been done twice, by Vice Presidents Martin Van Buren, in 1836, and George H.W. Bush, in 1988. Several others in recent decades have tried but come up short, including Hubert Humphrey in 1968 and Al Gore in 2000.”
At this early stage, only a few Republicans have shown interest or have been mentioned by others. “Nikki Haley, former Ambassador to the UN, is shrugging off questions about a future White House bid. But that’s not keeping fundraisers from billing her as the early frontrunner for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination.” She’s clearly the frontrunner. First woman POTUS and first child of immigrant parents to rise to commander-in-chief. She’d win handily, regardless of whom the Democrats nominate in 2024.
As an ambassador to the UN she did a fabulous job. She demonstrated that she is tough, knowledgeable and articulate. However, during the 2016 Republican presidential primary Ms. Haley endorsed Marco Rubio, the poster boy of the Gang of Eight. That was very disturbing to me. Even Jeff Flake endorsed the Gang of Eight co-member Macro Rubio. According to a USA Today interview with Niki Haley, she denies that she plans to run in 2024.
Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley has also been floating the idea of running in 2024. “I think he’s the future of not just the conservative movement, but the Republican Party. I view him as a Trump 2.0 candidate… someone who can fill Trump’s shoes,” said Terry Schilling, executive director of the American Principles Project, a Virginia-based socially conservative group that gave Hawley an award at its annual gala last year.”
Ron DeSantis, the new governor of Florida, has also established himself as a contender for 2024 election.
Another well-known name that has been circling around in the political arena, is Sen. Ted Cruz. I must confess, in the 2016 election Cruz was my first choice and Trump was second. The minute Senator Cruz ended his campaign, I fully supported Donald Trump.
It is no secret that in the primaries, you support your candidate with all you got, but you stand with the winner of party nomination in the end.
“Look, I hope to run again,” Cruz said in September. “We came very, very close in 2016. And it’s the most fun I’ve ever had in my life.”
“Politics makes strange bedfellows” is not just a cliché. Everyone knows the political vendetta between President Donald Trump and Ted Cruz during the 2016 election was one of the nastiest in recent history. Trump called Cruz “lyin’ Ted” and attacked his family. That was then. This is now — “Lyin’ Ted” is now “Beautiful Ted.”
In October 2018 Trump’s rally in support of Sen. Cruz at the Toyota Center in Houston, both men embraced.
“You know, we had our little difficulties,” Trump told the crowd. “It got ugly… But nobody has helped me more.” said Trump.
Trump is right — Cruz has become the most powerful voice for Trump, not for political reasons, but because he genuinely believes in the President’s agenda, his accomplishments and for doing something that most political pundits believed impossible.
I do not know how many people will end up running in 2024. But I do know Senator Cruz well and have met him in person several times. My feelings about him have not changed.
I still believe Cruz is one of the most fearless, brilliant, and articulate politicians in America. He has displayed courage, integrity, and leadership. He fights for truth, for the Constitution, and for freedom. He is perhaps the only person who can continue with President Trump’s legacy.
Just as President Trump has kept his promises, Senator Cruz will do precisely the same. He has done it for Texas, and he will do it for America. I believe a Cruz-Haley ticket is a winning ticket in 2024.
In short, we do not need to search for a clone of President Trump, when we have “Beautiful Ted.”