Oppression of women, for one, is so systemic in Islam that to this day, women are, at best, second-class citizens under Islamic law.  Saudi Arabia, the custodian of Islamdom, denies women the right to drive, vote, or hold elective office — the most basic rights of citizens in democratic societies.  Arabs and Muslims are masters of double-acts. They do all things in private, yet the public display of morality, decorum, and even piety is something you wear as you would your Kufiyah even under the sizzling sun.

In model, Islamic states such as Saudi Arabia and Iran, for instance, women do not dare complain about their Allah-decreed chattel status.  If they protest in the least, they are beaten by their husbands.  And if they dare to demonstrate in public for equal family rights with men, they get severe beatings by the police and are hauled to jails for additional indignities and violence.

One may wonder, then, why it is that millions of Muslim women meekly submit to their subservient rank and thank Allah for it.  These women are virtually imprinted by their parents and the clergy from birth to adopt the gender inequality, as well as the entire pathological Islamic ethos.

Islam can be a “forgiving” religion, specifically for the male.  If you neglect to say your prayers or you simply don’t want to, you can hire someone, preferably an imam or a mullah, to pray on your behalf. Going to the Hajj is too onerous and takes you away from the pleasures and comforts of your life?  You can deputize someone else to go in your stead.  You have a few drinks of the forbidden brew, and it is time to say your prayers?  Simply rinse your mouth and go ahead with praying.  But always remember the will of Allah and serve him.  Do your duties to vanquish the unbelievers, promote the rule of the Sharia, and make the earth Allah’s.

In Islamic societies, freedom of expression, worship, and assembly are taken away.  Women are indeed treated as chattel.  Young girls are subjected to barbaric genital mutilation to make them sex slaves and birth channels without the ability to enjoy intercourse.  Minors are executed, adulterers are stoned to death, thieves have their limbs amputated, and much, much more.  Isn’t that everyone’s idea of paradise?

Women, by the very nature of their second-class status expressly stipulated in the Quran, are occasionally allowed a token high position in government, while non-Muslim minority citizens are virtually barred from securing any positions at all.

Men have authority over women because Allah has made the one superior to the others and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because Allah has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them. Then if they obey you take no further action against them. Allah is high, supreme. 
 – Quran 4.34

This misogynist religion of Allah is custom-made for the savage male.  A faithful follower of Allah can have as many as four permanent wives — and replace any of them at any time he wants — as well as an unlimited number of one-night or one-hour stands that he can afford to rent.  But woe unto a woman if she has even a single love affair with another man.  Nothing less than death by stoning is her just punishment.

In the Islamic Republic of Iran and under Islamic Sharia that became the unofficial law of the land, a religiously sanctioned ceremony immediately filled the void.  Many mosques provided the service of Seeghe — temporary marriages.  Women interested in or forced by circumstances beyond their control to seek this type of “marriage” would register with a local mullah.  Men seeking a temporary wife would contact the mullah and specify what kind of woman they desired and for how long.  Depending on the marketability of the candidate woman, a fee is levied on the man, and the mullah pronounces them husband and wife for a stipulated duration.  Once the patron satisfies his urges, the same mullah simply annuls the marriage.  Voilà!  No problems. The pair parts company, and the mullah, a replacement for the former pimp or madam, pockets his fee.

Thanks to Western technology, the Seeghe business has also joined the 21st-century world.  In some of the bigger cities and Tehran, a man can pick up a woman and call in for a Seeghe authorization, which is granted over the phone, and the fee is charged to the patron’s credit card. Islam is a custom-made religion for men.  Well, as long as men rule and the rule serves them, the horrific plight of women plays out.  It is a great deal for men.

What is incredible is the gall and audacity of Muslims in demanding that Western and other democracies legalize Sharia in their societies.  Due to large populations of Muslims, mostly recent arrivals, in countries such as Canada, Great Britain, and Sweden, these countries are experiencing the insistent demands by Muslims to have Sharia rule their Islamic communities.  This is just the beginning, and it may seem relatively harmless to the simpletons in our midst. Yet once Sharia is recognized to any extent, it will reach out to rule not only on matters that concern Muslims, but also on those that may involve a Muslim and non-Muslim. Under Sharia, a Muslim man married to a non-Muslim woman can divorce the woman at will, automatically have custody of the children, and literally toss the wife out of “his” home with practically no compensation.

“Death to the Islamic Republic,” “Stop stoning women,” and “Death to the Criminal Mullahs and Democracy for Iran” are the banners read almost routinely in most European countries by the Iranian expatriate sympathizers condemning the Islamic Republic’s brutality against women.  They demand equal rights and treatments for the largest oppressed minority in the world.

As the world turns, we become convinced that the Islamic system is custom-made for men, by men, and for the pleasure of men.  And the men in power, the clergy, the prime beneficiaries of the system do not intend to voluntarily relinquish their privileged status.

There is a hope that Muslims themselves may leave this Bedouin slaveholder religion.  Yet the hope is slim.  Islam has a stranglehold on its slaves and will not let them go, nor do the Muslims seem to have the insight or the will to leave it in large numbers.  But hope, as slim as it is, keeps me sounding the alarm before the fire of Islam engulfs us all.

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