Quran and Jihad

We must closely examine the Quran, Islam’s inviolable, immutable charter since it enjoys such a sanctified standing. Muslims believe that Allah himself writes the Quran. Allah handed down the book, piece by piece and chapter by chapter, to the Archangel Gabriel. Gabriel, in turn, whispered these words to Muhammad himself over some 23 years. Muhammad […]
A Conversation with Allah

It is axiomatic that to be a Muslim you must: believe in Allah by taking him as your one and only lord, accept Muhammad as Allah’s beloved messenger and take the Quran as a literal work of Allah and a perfect prescription for living.
Myth of the Moderate Muslim

We need once and for all to lay this enigma to rest. Is “Moderate Islam” an illusion? Moderate Islam is a wedge that will jam open the door to Jihad, and “evil will triumph when good Muslims do nothing.” The great majority of Muslims are not adherents of the radical line. Yet, because Islamists wage their war under the name of Islam, they receive immense direct and indirect support from rank-and-file ordinary Muslims. It is this support of moderate Muslims that keeps the Jihadists alive.
Islam: An Exclusive Fraternity for Men

Muslims, by belief and practice, are the most blatant violators of human rights. We hardly need to detail here Muslims’ systemic cruel treatment of the unbelievers, women of all persuasions, and any and all minorities across the board. To Muslims, human rights have a different meaning, and its protective provisions are reserved strictly for Muslims — primarily for Muslim men. Just a couple of examples should suffice for now.
President Ahmadinejad’s Vision

Being the observing Shia that he is, President Ahmadinejad, Mahmood (let’s call him PAM, for short) has adopted for himself a Marjae Taghleed (Spiritual Guide, Point of Emulation), as recommended by Shia doctrine. The Spiritual Guide, chosen from the ranks of the clergy, supposedly personifies a living example of piety to be consulted in all matters, revered and emulated.
Ignorance of Islamic Terror Poses Greatest Threat

The intention of this article is to provoke a much-needed debate on the nature of a phenomenon called “Islamic Terrorism.” Most people in the United States assume that the phenomenon called “Islamic Terrorism” started after the 11 September 2001 attack on the World Trade Center in New York City.