Summary of Jihad in Iran

Islamic jihadists have advanced by invading country after country with the sword of Islam. The invasion of Iran was only the start of the tenacious scourge of Islam. Slaughtering people by the hundreds of thousands at the time left the remainder of the Iranians little choice but to convert to the creed of this cult of violence. Left with no choice, millions converted to Islam at the point of the sword, and a few hundred thousand brave souls circled the wagons, so to speak, and held firm to their creed of light — the Zoroastrian faith.

If I let Islam be, Islam doesn’t let me be

Once I left Iran, my battle with this dogma of hate and violence began. I decided to raise the clarion call about the imminent and present danger of expansionist, theocratic Islam throughout the civilized world. Having witnessed firsthand the horrors and indignity that Islamic doctrine visits on people it subjugates, I was determined to take it upon myself to do my part in defeating this ideology of oppression, hate and violence.

The Cult of Rajavi

The MEK is also known as Moijahedin Khalgh, best described as a cult rather than as a political movement because of its internal discipline. The MEK were very much like Jim Jones’s religious cult leader who initiated and was responsible for mass suicide and mass murder in Jonestown, Guyana. I cannot find a better comparison with the MEK.

The United States Should Support Reza Pahlavi

Iran is at a crossroads. The Islamic rulers do not have one iota of sentiment towards Iran and they have just given up what to do with this ancient and civilized nation. Many Iranians around the globe are desperate that they are unable to do anything against the sworn enemies of Iran: the mullahs. So, Iran is on the verge of collapse without any help from the outside. Many opposition groups have done all they could to save Iran from further deterioration and collapse.

Myth of the Moderate Muslim

We need once and for all to lay this enigma to rest. Is “Moderate Islam” an illusion? Moderate Islam is a wedge that will jam open the door to Jihad, and “evil will triumph when good Muslims do nothing.” The great majority of Muslims are not adherents of the radical line. Yet, because Islamists wage their war under the name of Islam, they receive immense direct and indirect support from rank-and-file ordinary Muslims. It is this support of moderate Muslims that keeps the Jihadists alive.

A Metaphor about Islam

There are some good-hearted, non-Muslim tolerant people who tend to overlook all the terrible things that Islam perpetrates by pointing to some of its good teachings. These folks contend that the world should direct its effort not at combating Islam, but at those individuals and groups that commit heinous acts in the name of Islam.

Defeating Iran’s Mullahs

The Islamic Republic of Iran has entered its fourth decade, and the values and legacy of the Revolution it was founded upon continue to have profound and contradictory consequences for Iranian life. They have ruled over the defenseless Persian people with iron fists and absolute power. As a result, millions of Iranians were forced to flee their home to the four corners of the globe. 

Islam: An Exclusive Fraternity for Men

Muslims, by belief and practice, are the most blatant violators of human rights.  We hardly need to detail here Muslims’ systemic cruel treatment of the unbelievers, women of all persuasions, and any and all minorities across the board.  To Muslims, human rights have a different meaning, and its protective provisions are reserved strictly for Muslims — primarily for Muslim men.  Just a couple of examples should suffice for now.