How the Clintons Gave American Foreign Policy its Muslim Tilt

[caption id="attachment_235" align="alignnone" width=""]Crest, 13th Mountain Division, Waffen SS, Croatia[/caption]

By G. Murphy Donovan

The Clinton role in the rise of Islamic irredentism has now come full circle.  Bill Clinton might get the credit for the original Muslim tilt. Bosnia (1992-95) set the table for a series of interventions that gave birth to the so-called Arab Spring and any subsequent triumphs of Islamofascism. Ironically, Bill Clinton could be both righteous about civil wars in the Balkans and oblivious to genocide in Rwanda simultaneously.

Unjustly Imprisoned Young Physicist Granted Conditional Release After Five Years

Omid Kokabee’s Release Comes After Months Struggling with Kidney Cancer That Was Left Untreated in Prison

Imprisoned Iranian scientist Omid Kokabee, who spent more than five years in Evin Prison for refusing to work on Iran’s military projects, was granted conditional release on August 29, 2016. Kokabee, currently on medical leave, was diagnosed with kidney cancer this past April after years of being denied proper medical treatment by prison authorities.

Making A Case For Donald Trump

[caption id="attachment_233" align="alignnone" width=""]Donald Trump[/caption]

Make America Great Again. Just a slogan, the people of failure shout back. Failure knows only failure. To these people, the Obama-Hillary team who have failed us for nearly eight years in every aspect of our lives, failure is not only normal, it is inevitable.

The list of their failures for the loser team is so long and glaring that I hardly need to repeat them all here. So, here’s just a few to remind those who are in denial or have a vested interest in keeping the failing system in place.