Politicians Legitimize Islam

Never in the history of America has a group of power-hungry wolves, known as the Democrat Party, done so much damage to America. Establishment Republicans are not far behind! Forms of Government There are several different forms of government in the present world. One such form is Democracy. Democracy is supposed to be a form […]

The Islam Conundrum

The dictionary defines religion as, “The expression of man’s belief and reverence for a superhuman power recognized as the creator and governor of the universe.” By this definition, Islam qualifies as a religion, and so do numberless others. A definition this broad is ambiguous and must be further defined with the specific tenets and practices […]

Will America Survive the Threat of Islam?

Nearly 1400 years ago, a large number of Muslim jihadists from across the scorching Arabian desert, motivated by the ideology of Islam, indoctrinated by Muhammad, unafraid of death, conquered Iran (Persia), one of the greatest, strongest and most tolerant empires known throughout the history of man. The invasion of Persia was completed five years after the […]

My Take on Islam

All of Islam has the potential for ensuring a violent result because it is an inherent quality of the belief. I refuse to call it a religious faith…that would be a far kinder treatment than it actually deserves. It is essentially a death cult…a political/cultural and social ideology based on the violence of the Qur’an…it […]

Are American Voters Helpless?

Western Europe is at its last breath and they know it. It was collective and deliberate cultural suicide by the EU leaders and there is no going back. Once you are dead, you are dead. Now, the question is how far is America behind Europe in its own demise!!