Wake UP America

With the arrivals of massive Muslims to America, our culture and our way of life forever altered.  By now, most Americans know that Islam and the US Constitution are

Europe Islamized. Is America Next?

While some people prefer to refer to the violent version of Islam as “political” or “militant” Islam, I refused to accept this characterization. Why? Because I believe it is not “fanatical,” “radical,” or “extreme” Islam that we are fighting, but normal, orthodox, canonical, typical, accepted, traditional Islam, straight from the mouth of Muhammad. Islam is violent in direct proportion to its mission and scripture. The so-called fanatics and terrorists are only upholding the truth of their scripture.

U.S to List Iran’s Elite Guard A Terrorist Organization: Long Overdue

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is the Islamic Republic’s elite military force which was created by the late supreme leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in the wake of the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Its primary responsibility was to defend the regime from internal and external threats. However, its mission went beyond its original objective.