The Trump that baffles pundits

By Thomas Lifson


Some really smart people absolutely cannot grasp what Donald Trump is up to.  Perhaps it is that his business background has taught him lessons that punditry, or any profession that depends on well-crafted use of abstract symbols like words and numbers, cannot teach. Perhaps it is because he seems vulgar in the eyes of many people who pride themselves on their sophistication and intelligence.

Jimmy Carter’s Anti-Semitism

By Fay Voshell


It appears former president Jimmy Carter, now 92 years old, has yet to meet a tyrant he doesn’t admire.

His continuing embrace of terrorist regimes makes some wonder when we will see the cessation of his continual self-exhumations from political burial in order to once again resume his prophetic declamations on behalf of odious regimes, past and present.

Attacks on border agents up 200% this year

By Rick Moran

Shocking testimony from Border Patrol chief Mark A. Morgan during a hearing of the Senate Homeland Security Committee detailed just how dangerous the border is becoming for his agents.

Morgan says attacks on border patrol agents are up a staggering 200% over last year, with a surge in young illegal aliens and unaccompanied minors being a particular problem.